Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Obeying the rules, n' stuff

So I'm pretty rotten at obeying rules.

Like, my registration expired in March and I got the new license plates in time and all... I just didn't put them on. So, now every time I drive to work or park in a parking lot, I hafta keep my eyes peeled for the law enforcement that could be lurking nearby to snipe me. It's really pretty exciting - and I'm not really much of a rebel otherwise, so don't expect to see any "10 county" Columbus license plates on my car anytime soon.

Or then there's the 3 miles of privately owned fields right behind my apartment. I mean, when I'm hankerin' for a real adventurous run (and don't feel like enduring the really clever slams that Columbus motorists throw my way like "run forest ruuuuuuun") I can't help but trounce off into the grass and frolic in the fields for a while. And the added bonus is that my imagination runs wild of scenarios where the owners of the fields discover my freedom romp and pepper me with shotgun blasts. Ooooh baby - that'll get the adrenaline flowin!

1 comment:

BBlack said...

i'd shoot ya, if that makes you feel any better, now you can put a face to that dream.
Hey, you need to give me a call REAL soon, i've got a BIG update. for real. take it easy, later bro.