Thursday, May 3, 2007

Cheap pizzas

I know my mom will kill me for this - but I'm crunched for time at lunch today and I put a Totino's $0.98 pizza in the oven and I'm sooooooo excited! There's nothing like the flavor of cheap saturated fat pasted over a saltine-cracker... ohyah - it's like the Twinkie-delight of lunches.


Always Hope said...

Hey~all foods can fit :)
It's the AMOUNT that counts!
But it's interesting to know that your mom provoked a sufficient amount of guilt in eating greasy foods!

Aaron D said...

Hehe - sufficient guilt is correct. There's a little part of me that dies inside every time I eat a saturated fat or something with hydrogenated oil in it.

It's an affliction. I'm Aaron, and I'm a healthy food-a-holic.