Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Today was a bummer - cuz I talked with the sponsors from the Durham, NC position that I've really wanted ... and I didn't get that great of a vibe back. Basically, they can't promise me anything because even if I'm their top choice, the Steering Committee makes the ultimate decision. Really, not anyone's fault - more a consequence of a program that doesn't lean on connections or qualifications, but determines placement based on what "they" decide is "best" for your professional development.


Ben Davy said...

Take a deep breath, let eyes drift over to, oh, say most anywhere outside N America and Western Europe, and allow yourself consider. Believe me, I don't say this condescendingly, but sometimes it is almost the only things that saves me from me. Check out Shaun Groves blogs this week about his trip to Ethiopia. It has given me much perspective. http://www.shaungroves.com/shlog/

Hope you're well. It seems like you've had an eventful time there.

Aaron D said...

Thanks Ben