Friday, November 23, 2007


Thanksgiving was wonderful - got to spend it with my boss and his family - and they were so welcoming and hospitable it almost felt like being home! Of course, there's was a New Jersey Italian family Thanksgiving, so there were some differences from my Midwestern German-English-Irish-French family experiences :)

But all in all - it was a tremendous blessing to be with his family and feel welcome. I arrived at 2:30 and didn't leave till 11:00! We just talked the whole time - and played a game that was a version of bingo played with a deck of cards... got the kids involved and deteriorated into a random-noise-match pretty quickly.

Oh - and I almost forgot to mention that I went to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade with Dave and his girlfriend and her parents! One of those lifetime experiences - and even had great weather to boot (60 F and sunny)!

Then today was all about football - and seeing my beloved 'Skers put together a great first half... and then take a squat in the second and give it up in the end. Ahh well - my friends and I stayed at the Husker Alumni bar for the A&M game and cheered the Aggies on to victory over the Horns with some friendly Aggie fans. At the same time, we watched Arkansas steal LSU's BCS Championship dreams - that makes how many top 1o teams who have lost to unranked opponents? Sheesh - upset city this season - I tellya what! (A fun year to have a bad home team - so's we can laugh at the other team's misfortune.)

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