Friday, November 16, 2007

New Music

Ahh - the week's over and with no roommies in the house, I figured I'd treat myself to a brand new album from iTunes ... and Jimmy Eat World has done it again! Here's some background music for ya's whilst you read me blog -

Ahem ... yes - it's just album art. But that's so you can keep reading my blog. See - I knew you were gonna forget about me.

Today was pretty simple - did the work thing... some dishes... and now I'm avoiding cleaning my room. But tomorrow is gonna rock! Me, Mike, and my friend Lyle (drummer at the Journey) are going mobbin' through the forest tomorrow and we'll cap the day off with a pay-per-view of UFC - Fight Night made possible by my roommate Andy. So - basically, we're gonna man-it up tomorrow and we're not looking back.

But the downside to all this boisterous activity and the travel for work has been that I haven't been able to play music in what feels like ages! It's been almost 2 months since I played at church and almost that long since I've sat down with my guitar and just strummed a while. Shoot - you know what - that's what I'm gonna do with my evening. Gonna listen to some "Let it Happen" (that you're listening to right now), clean my room, go for a chilly run, and cozy up with my guit-box and make some tunes.