Sunday, November 25, 2007

Giving Thanks

The Christmas season can make me ungrateful pretty quickly - so many sales, so much dwelling on what I want ... and what I don't have. I find that the spiritual warfare can really get ugly during the holiday season: taking Christ out of Christmas, taking "thanks" out of Thanksgiving and lowering it to "Turkey Day", and trying to focus on other people, but getting so focused on seeing the latest sale item in my own hands.

The truth is - God has given me so much! I have a job that has taught me a lot about life and has challenged me to rise above some challenging circumstances - and all the while, a backbone of support from family and friends that has made weathering the storms even enjoyable! He has taken care of all my needs and even given to me in abundance - allowing me to hike, run, play music, experience NYC, DC, Miami, Puerto Rico, California, and even buy a new computer, new clothes ... and all the while to be well-fed, healthy, and safe.

Praise the Lord for His faithfulness and his abundant Grace! I deserve nothing - but He delights in giving even more than I need! Lord - thank You for Your love and forgiveness. Be alive in my life - and keep me near. Speak to me that I might obey quickly, and be glorified in my praise - because You deserve it so much!

1 comment:

Levi Drake said...

Wow, you've been really consistent with your posts. I hadn't checked for a week or so and you had three I needed to catch up on. Nice work!