Thursday, July 12, 2007

Short Nights and Free Flights

Well, I have to apologize for not updating for over a week... I tried uploading a bunch of 4th of July pics last week, but got fed up with Blogger and started looking into alternative methods of publishing pics. More on that to come...

But in the meantime, I found wireless connection here at the San Juan airport and figured I'd send a big "HEY-O" from out in the Caribbean! Actually, when I say that I'm in the airport, I should really clarify that I'm in the "Continental President's Club" with walls of rich mahogany, supple leather furniture, and free wireless BOOYAH! How did I get here? Yah, I'm not so sure either - but praise the Lord for such an unexpected treat!

Bill (my boss) and I got up at 4:30 this morning to catch our 7AM flight back to NJ. They offered to give a $300 voucher to anyone who was willing to take a later flight and Bill nudges me and says, "Hey, that's Amber's free flight right there!" - so I go to accept the later flight and find out that I get a $350 voucher, a first class upgrade on the 2PM flight to NJ, and access to the "exclusive" President's Club for the day! Yeehaww! So, what's a Nebraska boy to do from 7:30 - 1:00 but eat free food, read the paper, take a nap, and update his blog! What a treat - I tell ya what, God sure knows the little things that make a huge difference! (And I was really floored that Bill let me miss the second half of the day of work - but I'm really grateful that he did!)

Okay - I'll keep you posted on where I'm going to post my pics from here on out. Talk to ya soon!

1 comment:

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas said...

Bamm was sooo excited to tell me that story. What a thoughtful boss. And a thoughtful, generous boyfriend. =) Good to hear from you, glad to know you're alive and well. =)