Wednesday, June 27, 2007

3rd shiftin' it!

The Columbus plant asked me to come back and do a validation for a new production line, and since we need to have it done by the end of the week... I volunteered to do 3rd shift production. So, the last 3 nights I've been going into work at midnight and working till 8 or 9 in the morning. Good news though! Finished the validation runs today so I'm back to day shifts! Alright, now it's a dose of Melatonin and some deep sleep for me.

But I was just reflecting again today at how fortunate I am that the Lord dropped this sweet trip back to NE right in my lap! It's amazing how He knows the things that might seem so small, but make such a difference. I gotta rental car so I could go back to Lincoln last night and spend the evening with Amber and hit the last Jazz in June for a while.

Today I'm back in Norfolk hangin with the fam, watching some Seinfeld, and enjoying the good life!

Oh yah, and I got a new phone that has GPS shtuff on it! YEAH! Now I won't get lost in NJ - cuz you know when that happens in NJ, you end up swimmin' with the fishes.

Yah, so the drugs are kickin in... and I'm fading fast...

Davis OUT


Dr. and Mrs. Thomas said...

ron hope you had a great time at home. =) And you get to go back in 2ish weeks again!! sheeesh. like you never even left. hope all is well in the east!

Always Hope said...

Aaron, it was great spending time with ya back in "the Braska" like sweet little Emily would say :)
Lookin' forward to seeing ya in 3 weeks!

Anissa said...

hey, it's always great to see you and spend time with my br-tha, you make me laugh and the thought of you makes my heart smile :) also, i just realized, you look like luke wilson, cool, huh?!