Sunday, December 2, 2007

Stuck in Air Traffic

So... my NWA flight was supposed to connect in Minneapolis to my flight to Newark - but that was 4 hours and 3 bottles of water ago. Thanks to the blessing of BD Travel support, I've been rebooked on a red eye Continental flight that leaves in 5 hours. Sooooo - I've got nuthin but time to kill!

One HUUUUGE blessing was that as I was getting into the airport, I bumped into Ben Coleman - a friend from college who was traveling with the manager of Casting Pearls (Brandon) and they were scheduled on the same flight as me. So, we've been hanging out in the terminal, watching YouTube videos and trading cold medicine to get us through this thing. Praise the Lord for the blessings He provides in the middle of frustrating circumstances!

I also discovered the wonderful world of "InMotion" video rentals --> where I just rented "You, Me and Dupree" for $5 - and I'll just drop it of in Newark when I get there. Not too shabby!

So, that's the plan anyway. I think I'm getting hungry again - so I'm gonna run and grab some grub. It'll be a nice, short night (arrive at 5:40 am) - but I've got one more dose of Nyquil to help me through it!

1 comment:

Levi Drake said...

That's crazy you ran into those guys! What a blessing! it sounds like you're becoming quite the traveler--learning all the ins and outs. I'll remember to consult you before future flights.