Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Pacific!

I got to see the Pacific Ocean for the first time today! Tanner had to work, so I just drove 45 minutes from Santa Rosa to Bodega Bay and hung out on the cold, windy black sand of Northern California -

I looked for seashells and such but found mostly ginormous seaweed that looked like 3" diameter spaghetti and a lot of seagulls. Then I went into the hippie town of Bodega and chilled in a coffee shop with some locals and ate some fresh fish tacos... I came this close to buying a tie-dyed shirt with Jerry Garcia's face on it. And then I was going to buy some saltwater taffy from one of the local shops - but I figured I'd inquire as to its origin prior to purchase. The store clerk's anser: "It's made in Salt Lake City, Utah." I said "thanks," pretended to find interest in some other trinkets, and then walked out the door. You can't tell me that being that close to the Pacific no one makes their own saltwater taffy?!! C'mon. Weak sauce.

All in all a pretty rewarding experience!

1 comment:

Anissa said...

you're the only person i know that would ask the origins of salt water taffy :)
and be crazy, purchase at least some tie-died underwear!