Sunday, October 14, 2007

Music and New Zealand

Wow - so today was a rush! It started off with a long drive to Long Island to lead worship for a new church. Real small = 20 people. But boy did we get hoppin! The pastor is real cool too, so I might play again in a couple months. Another cool twist was that I met a couple high school fellas who really seemed to be on the right track. I talked with them a while and they wanted me to come to their high school and play Christian music for them - He said to me, "Yah man - that was ill." Which, I've heard, means that I was really good.

Dang - am I that old that I don't know the cool slang anymore? What happened to "tubular" and "bodacious?" Where are you my sweet "radical" and "fly?" What has this world come to that terms that once described your degree of infirmity have now lost all meaning and descended to the level of SLANG. C'mon - like we needed another word for "cool."

Anyway - tangent. These kids were killer - so, I told him to check it out with his school administration and if it works, then STELLAR - if not, then that's just a bummer. Ahhhh, but I digress.

THEN I went to the Journey (my church) for a worship arts team meeting - and I met Michael from New Zealand. He just moved here to play rugby and he gets to stay for like another 9 weeks. So, a few of us bandies (that's a member of a band) took him to get some wings at a nearby sports bar, talked football, and he unpacked the wonder of rugby to all us American-folk. I really hope we get to hang out another one of these weekends - really cool chap!

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