Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Biggest Winner

Well, it's been a few days ... and I made it back from PR just fine. But I picked a bad day to blog - I don't have much to say. I did laundry, worked out quick, and ate some pork.

Yes, that's right - I "grilled" some pork on my Foreman the other night... despite the fact that it is a conduction-cooking process ... so, it'll cook the stuff that's touching the burner but not the other stuff. So, it makes for some interesting pork. A little rare - a little "piggy" flavored ... but nutritious. Sure gives the ol' stomach a workout.

Speaking of a workout - my roommate Andy and I are competing to see who can gain the most weight.

My approach has been to increase my diet and workouts:
So far, I've have restricted myself to a strict diet of pork rhinds, marshmallow fluff, Little Debbie snack cakes, and Burger King 1/3 lb. Angus burgers. The workouts primarily involve sleep - at least 2 naps before bedtime - and a heavy dose of reality TV. To really get into the experience, I DVR daytime talkshows and try to keep up with at least 2 of my soaps and have been known to slip into a nice pair of stretch pants from time to time. I'm also trying to avoid shaving and other unnecessary forms of personal hygiene as they only cut into my dieting and workout times.

The winner is the first person to have someone say to them, "WOW [insert name], you've really let yourself go"

Before and after pictures to follow shortly. I'm gonna win that fool ribbon -

... OK ... so the weight competition part is true.


Anonymous said...

oh mygosh- Aaron. You need a nutrition class!
ditch the pork rinds and the debbie snacks (:>
(you make me laugh...)

Levi Drake said...

At that rate, you'll have me passed up by summer! That's a thought, haha.

Tanner Reed said...

Oh man...I was excited when you said you're into Soaps! I thought we could share in the Days of Our Lives excitement :)