Monday, March 10, 2008

Had a sweet time in Puerto Rico for the weekend ... just got back today. Now I need some rest from my vacation.

That's how I like it - go hard all the way through! ...but I'm flying out tomorrow morning for Miami so it's back on the road for me! Me and my new friend the sunburn. Splotchy, burny, red, nasty sunburn. He's not so much my friend so much as an acquaintance that follows me wherever I go. I'll chalk it up to the fact that I've never been to the beach in a tropical place before ... so I'm used to little-to-no spf in the Midwest and a little pink that'll turn to tan in a day or two.

Not so here. 45 minutes at 10:30 in the morning with no sunscreen and my back feels like a plastic sheet full of needles.

And the real bitch of it is - I can't get any aloe back there! I mean, me and the roomies are close - but not that close.